I am currently an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at Brown University. I received my PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Jason Roy and Nandita Mitra. My methodological research centers around developing Bayesian nonparametric methods for causal estimation, with a focus on analyzing sequential treatments with incomplete information. These methods blend principled causal reasoning, nonparametric Bayesian modeling, and efficient computation to build systems for data-driven decision making.
Many of my motivating applications are in oncology. Some current work is partially funded by a PCORI contract and focuses on developing Bayesian semiparametric methods for estimating (and optimizing) effects of sequential treatment strategies in acute myeloid leukemia. I have recently been awarded another PCORI contract to develop Bayesian nonparametric methods for causal estimation with incomplete covariate information.
On this site you will find a link to my CV and a selection of some past and current research, talks, etc. I sometimes blog about statistics, Bayesian methods, computation/MCMC, and other things I happen to stumble upon during research.
If you are an ScM or PhD student at Brown University who is considering working with me, please see this page.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2021
University of Pennsylvania
MS in Biostatistics, 2018
University of Pennsylvania
BA in Quantitative Economics, 2013
Providence College
R Package for Semiparametric Bayesian Causal Inference with Survival/Event-Time outcomes.
Collaborative data analysis projects using Bayesian and/or Causal methods.
Bayesian modeling - flexiblilty, uncertainty quantification, full posterior inference.
Shrinkage, partial pooling, nonparametrics, and sensitivity analysis via priors - just some of the value Bayesian modeling can add to causal inference.
R Package for Dirichlet Process Mixtures of zero-inflated, logistic, and linear regressions.