I am currently an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at Brown University. My methodological research centers around developing Bayesian nonparametric methods for causal estimation, with a focus on analyzing sequential treatments with incomplete information. These methods blend principled causal reasoning, nonparametric Bayesian modeling, and efficient computation to build systems for data-driven decision making.
Many of my motivating applications are in oncology. Some current work is partially funded by a PCORI contract and focuses on developing Bayesian semiparametric methods for estimating (and optimizing) effects of sequential treatment strategies in acute myeloid leukemia. I have recently been awarded another PCORI contract to develop Bayesian nonparametric methods for causal estimation with incomplete covariate information.
I received my PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Jason Roy and Nandita Mitra. On this site you will find a link to my CV and a selection of some past and current research, talks, etc. I sometimes blog about statistics, Bayesian methods, computation/MCMC, and other things I happen to stumble upon during research.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2021
University of Pennsylvania
MS in Biostatistics, 2018
University of Pennsylvania
BA in Quantitative Economics, 2013
Providence College